words, music, pictures

James Curtis Smith James Curtis Smith

pocket buddha

I’ve carried one of these little pocket buddhas with me for years. I’ll keep one for several months and then leave it somewhere to be found. I also carry a couple with me in the car to give to certain people I encounter in my wanderings as a remembrance of our conversation. I’ve received some wonderful mementos in return, including an Irish 3d Leat Reul Hare coin from my birth year.

tiny buddha in the snow

tiny monk in the snow - january 2023


I’ve carried one of these little pocket buddhas with me for years. I’ll keep one for several months and then leave it somewhere to be found. I also carry a couple with me in the car to give to certain people I encounter in my wanderings as a remembrance of our conversations. I’ve received some wonderful mementos in return, including an Irish 3d Leat Reul Hare coin from my birth year.

I've left one of these little ones in Lily Dale, New York. I left one for a friend when I met her in Sweden. I left one at Joshua Tree National Park on my last visit. I left one in the remnants of a castle in Seehiem-Jugenheim, Germany. I’ve left one in Peebles, Ohio, home of the Great Serpent Mound. I left one in the picnic area of every rest area I visited during a week-long road trip in April 2023 to attend my youngest nephew’s wedding in Boulder, Colorado.

Now that I’m writing this, it occurs to me I have one I’ve carried with me for around three months. It’s been to two countries and at least four different states. It’s about due to find a safe spot for someone else to find. Where should we go?

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